Selected Publications

Next generation sequencing machines produce vast amounts of genomic data. For the data to be useful, it is essential that it can be stored and manipulated efficiently. This work responds to the combined challenge of compressing genomic data, while providing fast access to regions of interest, without necessitating decompression of whole files.
Bioinformatics 2016,2016

A general tree of n nodes can be represented in pointer form, requiring O(nlogn) bits, whereas the succinct representations we studied require just 2n+o(n) bits and carry out many sophisticated operations in constant time. Yet, there is no exhaustive study in the literature comparing the practical magnitudes of the o(n)-space and the O(1)-time terms.
In ALENEX’10, 2010

Some Publications

. LZ78 Compression in Low Main Memory Space. SPIRE, 2017.

PDF Code Project

. Full Compressed Affix Tree Representations. In Proc. DCC’17, 2017.

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. CSAM: Compressed SAM format. Bioinformatics 2016, 2016.

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. Practical compressed string dictionaries. Information Systems, 2016.


. Shortest DNA cyclic cover in compressed space. In Proc. DCC’16, 2016.


. Lossy compression of quality scores in genomic data. Bioinformatics 2014, 2014.

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. Practical compressed suffix trees. Algorithms, 2013.

PDF Code Project

. Practical compression for multi-alignment genomic files. In Proc. Thirty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference, 2013.


. Compression of RDF dictionaries. In Proc. 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied ComputingACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 2012.


. Succinct trees in practice. In ALENEX’10, 2010.



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Affix Trees

Generalization of the Suffix Tree that supports full tree functionalities in both search directions


Compressed Overlap Index


Compressed SAM format

Compressed Suffix Tree

A Compressed Suffix Tree implementation

